I may be the last one here, but has anyone out there seen Trent Reznor lately? He was interviewed for a clip on VH1 that I saw this morning, and I didn't recognize him. Even after they said it was him, it took me a minute. It's interesting that so many of the "rebellious" types take on a more conventional look as they get older. I mean, he was not that alternative looking before - just long hair. But his new look certainly doesn't fit the sound of NIN from back in the day. Anyway, I'm just rambling.


Um, yeah, that's him - second from the LEFT.
are you absolutely sure...
yep. weird, huh?
That's great and all, but what about your trip? I wanna hear about the trip!!!
alright. I'm still getting over the jet lag - seriously. Well that and the cold that comes with travel. And I'm trying to get over all the work I wasn't able to do from there for a week.
I'll try to post something today. If not, this weekend. Promise.
Perhaps he was trying to look a little more "now" and a little less like Professor Snape. Just a thought.
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