Two Funkle shows, then back home to do some major work.
That swing I said was going in last weekend didn't. But it did today. Not all by its magical self, of course, but with the unbelievably hard work of Dave and his dad.

That's where we were going to put it. But that was before Dave so handily found these lovely chunks of concrete with the post hole digger.

So, we decided to put it here

instead. Turns out, that was a much better idea. It's a shady spot with a view of the back of the house, not the side. And it seems to really bring the yard in somehow. We'll put up some laticework, and plant a flowering vine to finish it off. There's obviously some landscaping to do, but I absolutely LOVE our new swing.

Did I mention that Dave's dad built this? Happy early birthdays to us!
(Oh, and please ignore those lovely orange paintball spots. Those will also be dealt with shortly).